글쎄 엉뚱한봄이가 답답하다며 냉장고에…..어…얼굴을….ㅠㅜㅋㅋㅋ넣고 식히는중이라고하네요ㅋㅋ오마이갓!!! 배미언니는 역쉬 못말려어~! 어린이 여러분! 절대로! 따라하면 안됩니다!!!ㅋㅋㅋ앞으로도 항상 우리에게 웃음을주는 봄이가되길!^^ 생일축하해!!!ㅋ

Well, the correct answer is that it’s wacky Bommie in the refrigerator…er…her face…ㅠㅜke ke ke She wanted to be cool, so she put it there ke ke oh my ghad! Baemi-unnie what are you trying to say~! Everyone! Never! This should not be followed!!! Ke ke ke We can always count on Bommie to give us a laugh!^^ Happy birthday! ke

Source: Dara Me2day
Translated by: SlaveTranslator@WeLoveDara / BlackjackBelle@OhDara